Voki is a free website to create your own avatar and record your voice for presentation. Teachers of all levels can use Voki to increase student speaking participation inside and outside classroom. 

For beginners, Voki avatar is ideal for topics like basic and extended self-introductions. For intermediate learners, Voki can be an ideal tool to practice timed speaking presentation without pressure from teacher and peers. For advanced learners, Voki is a perfect venue to discuss individual understanding of particular topics in depth in preparation for class discussion. 

Teachers can also have students listen to one another's Voki recording and respond with Voki recordings.  

A couple of drawbacks to note for Chinese language teachers: 1. Voki supports Chinese accent. However, this is not accents within Chinese language. It is English with a funny accent. 2. The recording time of each avatar for free accounts is 60 seconds. It may take several times for users to achieve a good balance between time and content. 

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